Student Work | Mass STEM Hub
High School | Engineering | POE | Project: Structural Bridge Design
March 08, 2021
Check out the student work submitted for real-world industry feedback! Learn more about submitting student work to receive real-world feedback here!
Grade: High School
PLTW Course: Principles of Engineering (POE)
Submission type: Project: Structural Bridge Design
Project overview: In the Project Lead The Way (PLTW) Principles of Engineering class, high school students study mechanisms, strength of structure and materials, and automation. In the structural bridge design project, students apply what they’ve learned to design, build and test a bridge.
Student submission:
Select slides below. Click here for full presentation.
Select judge feedback:
“I like the variety of bridge designs you tested, and I appreciated the evaluation table that was included which scored all of the different alternative bridges that you tested. That method of option evaluation is used often in the industry to justify design choices when it seems like there are multiple different options that could accomplish the goal. I liked the summary of how the real-world experiences you had helped to cement the ideas that you were learning in class. For the design brief, it is important to describe the problem and what makes it important to solve rather than just focusing on the constraints of the assignment. This can often help with the evaluation of options as it describes the overall goals of the project and defines what the most important outcomes are.”
– Transportation Engineer, HDR Inc.
“The use of software modeling and site visits are critical steps in any design process. However, the inclusion of the components of an engineering notebook such as sketches and small models are always key evidence components to a complete design package. The research and field trips to model shops and metal fabrication shops were very informative. The use of a simulation modeling technique is quite impressive. The designers had to learn and then apply this software modeling technique. The report also provided information on the geographic impediment , in this case water. It provided explanations of why certain material selections were made and the design challenges these materials would overcome. The inclusion of a rating system to quantitatively augment the decision making process is always a valued addition in any design selection. Additionally the detailed quantitative engineering data with final cost estimates made for an extremely professional presentation. Certainly the type of presentation a review committee made up of multiple constituents would appreciate in making their decision. With additional time, it would be great to consider building a model to test out your calculations and theory. Excellent work!”
– Director, MassMEP
Award: Challenge Winner (2019-20)
School: BMC Durfee
Teacher: Sue Black